Saturday, September 29, 2012

this moment #1

A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, September 28, 2012

The grateful list #1

This week I am grateful for...
An hour long snuggle with my little man. He was happy to be held by me while we both professed our love to each other.
A brand new baby niece.
A last baby free girly movie night {for a while} with my sister before another brand new baby niece is born next week.
Having all my babies well and healthy.
Warmer days.
Tulips, planted last year with my babies, flowering {last year they were eaten by the rabbits just before the blooms bloomed}.
My one and a half year old baby boy who thinks he is the worlds littlest comedian.
New tea towels that actually dry dishes.
Archives of general conference talks that I can read, watch or listen to when I need inspiration, guidance and motivation in specific areas of my life.
Living so close to the beach.

But then there is...
Weaning my baby boy.
Not being able to see my sweet new niece or her family for another month and a half.
Cold sores.

Friday, September 21, 2012

little bed time rituals

Most nights before bed it goes something like this-
We read books.
We say family prayer.
'Bedtime horsey' rides to their room thanks to Daddy.
Personal prayer and then lullaby of choice to my little man {Always the same song, 'Why, why does the baby cry' with his name replacing the word baby. Sometimes I change it up a bit and throw in something funny, to a four year old, like why does the elephant cry. He thinks it is funny.}
Lots of kisses and cuddles and I love yous.
A gentle reminder to stay in his own bed.
Personal prayer and lullaby of choice for my angle girl {She mixes it up between 'Goodnight Sweetheart' and a song my husband made up when she was a newborn baby as he paced our hall pleading with her to go to sleep.}
Lots of kisses and cuddles and I love yous.
More I love yous {and another gentle reminded to stay in bed} as I turn out the light.
Bubba bub is then carried to his Daddy for a kiss goodnight and then cuddled all the way to his room, sometimes with a lullaby sung on the way.
Kisses and cuddles and I love yous as he is placed in his cot.
{A few go back to beds.}

Thursday, September 13, 2012

holidays are for FAIRY HOUSES

It is the school holidays now. We made a list of things that we wanted to do. One of desired activities was making a fairy house. Yesterday while I was hanging the washing they went about making it, complete with a sign (so the fairies knew it was for them) and a note with a little request for some fairy dust. So far the request has not been granted. But that doesn't stop them constantly checking (in the rain, before bed, first thing when they wake up).