Friday, December 7, 2012

the grateful list #3

{It has been a very long while since I have been here; sometimes, or more often then that, that is just how it is.}
{my baby playing with the lights last Christams}
This week I am grateful for
Being back in this space
My little man maybe not loosing the most awesome kinder teacher {maybe}
Cooking shows that are all about nutritious, yummy food that I can whip up fast
Picking a whole house full of tiles (two bathrooms, laundry and veranda) in just over an hour with both me and my husband being happy with our choices {not us at all}
That the 'block' down the road is looking more and more like our 'forever home'
A vacuumed car
The Christmas tree at night with all the house lights off
That my children were so delighted and entertained by a 'pet' blue tongue lizard that we had for three days
Looking back over photos from the last few years and having memories come flooding pack

But then there is
Hay fever
The astma that comes as a result of the above
People who think the world revolves around them and have unrealistic expectations of everyone else

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

the grateful list #2

This week I am grateful for
Getting all the filing done {it has been on my to do list for a long time}.
Days with more light.
Another baby niece born seven days after her cousin that I have been able to cuddle.
Spending the day with a good friend after too many weeks not seeing each other.
My two boys who love to snuggle with their mum alot.
That it is Friday which means family movie and pizza night.
That general conference was last weekend meaning hours of inspiring spiritual messages ready to be listen to studied and applied to life.
My husband who works long days and nights to build our final family home.
Watching the innocent imaginative play of my children.
The smell of fresh mown lawn and light rain mixed together.

But them there is
My husband being at the 'block' for most of our children's awake hours
Rain at school drop off and pick up time
My Little Man losing his two very amazing pre kinder teachers {the best I have ever come across}

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Spring is here

Spring is definitely here.

I love the change in life's pace with each new season. I wouldn't say that I have a favorite season but winter is the season that I wish was a little shorter then the others.

I love spring. I love the blossoms everywhere, and the bright green growth on the brown grey branches. I love the longer brighter light that just makes life seem better. I love the new lambs with their tals wagging as they feed and the farmers using their tractors to turn the hills on the drive to school into a patchwork landscape. I love washing drying on the line before the dew wets it and the smell of fresh cut grass. I love outside play that does not result in a pile of wet and dirty clothes in a matter of seconds and eating outside in the sun. I love the change in play to compliment the change in the weather. And the warmth on my skin, I love the warmth on my skin.

I do love spring.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

this moment #1

A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, September 28, 2012

The grateful list #1

This week I am grateful for...
An hour long snuggle with my little man. He was happy to be held by me while we both professed our love to each other.
A brand new baby niece.
A last baby free girly movie night {for a while} with my sister before another brand new baby niece is born next week.
Having all my babies well and healthy.
Warmer days.
Tulips, planted last year with my babies, flowering {last year they were eaten by the rabbits just before the blooms bloomed}.
My one and a half year old baby boy who thinks he is the worlds littlest comedian.
New tea towels that actually dry dishes.
Archives of general conference talks that I can read, watch or listen to when I need inspiration, guidance and motivation in specific areas of my life.
Living so close to the beach.

But then there is...
Weaning my baby boy.
Not being able to see my sweet new niece or her family for another month and a half.
Cold sores.

Friday, September 21, 2012

little bed time rituals

Most nights before bed it goes something like this-
We read books.
We say family prayer.
'Bedtime horsey' rides to their room thanks to Daddy.
Personal prayer and then lullaby of choice to my little man {Always the same song, 'Why, why does the baby cry' with his name replacing the word baby. Sometimes I change it up a bit and throw in something funny, to a four year old, like why does the elephant cry. He thinks it is funny.}
Lots of kisses and cuddles and I love yous.
A gentle reminder to stay in his own bed.
Personal prayer and lullaby of choice for my angle girl {She mixes it up between 'Goodnight Sweetheart' and a song my husband made up when she was a newborn baby as he paced our hall pleading with her to go to sleep.}
Lots of kisses and cuddles and I love yous.
More I love yous {and another gentle reminded to stay in bed} as I turn out the light.
Bubba bub is then carried to his Daddy for a kiss goodnight and then cuddled all the way to his room, sometimes with a lullaby sung on the way.
Kisses and cuddles and I love yous as he is placed in his cot.
{A few go back to beds.}

Thursday, September 13, 2012

holidays are for FAIRY HOUSES

It is the school holidays now. We made a list of things that we wanted to do. One of desired activities was making a fairy house. Yesterday while I was hanging the washing they went about making it, complete with a sign (so the fairies knew it was for them) and a note with a little request for some fairy dust. So far the request has not been granted. But that doesn't stop them constantly checking (in the rain, before bed, first thing when they wake up).

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tap tap tap

Growing up as a child we had a couple of typewriters. My dad use to use them before he got his first computer. Once the computer came along we got to use the typewriters a bit more. I use to love to pretend to touch type, hitting the keys as fast as I could until it went ding to tell me that I needed to start a new line. Sometimes I would type things, with real words. And sometimes I would just hit the keys in any random order, I loved the way that it sounded. I love that my iPhone and iPad make that sound and that as I write this I hear tap tap tap.

I couple of years ago I found an old typewriter at the tip shop and decided that my children needed to be able to play with it the way that I had played with my fathers. It's ribbon needs replacing and sometimes all the keys get stuck but they love it. My oldest sometimes types letters and stories but mostly everyone likes to type as fast as they can until they hear the ding. My youngest had his first turn of typing and loved the tap tapping too.

Sometimes I use it to type them love notes. I still love the tapping noise of the keys and the ding.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

A promise kept

Last year we missed the snow. I promised that we wouldn't miss it again this year and on Thursday I was able to make good on that promise.

We had a great day {I am so glad that we wagged school, nature play and house work}.


Thursday, August 9, 2012


Sometimes in life I get to focused on the big picture. Don't get me wrong, the big picture is important. Very important. But what I sometimes forget is that the big picture is made up of small things. Often small and simple little things. The big picture would not be what it is without these small and simple things. They give it beauty and life and warmth and color and fun {we can't forget fun}. In my life I am able to recall the big pictures form my past but what is often missing is the details, the small and simple things. The things that made the picture great in the first place. I don't want to forget anymore of those small and simple things and I don't trust myself to remember them {history has proven that I am not good at it}.

This place is where I want to record the small and simple things that make my life what it is. And maybe some of my rambling too {because I tend to do that sometimes}. This is my place to remember and think and be. A place for the {healthy} chatter in my head.

I look forward to filling it.