Monday, February 18, 2013

grateful list #4

This week I am grateful for
A new calling {role} at church for the opportunity it gives me to serve, learn, grow and work with wonderful people.
Mobile phones. Today while running a bazillion errands for my builder husband I was able to call him and get him to talk with the hardware men to make sure I came back with exactly what he needed.
That we are so close to being in our 'forever home'.
The book 'Hello Baby' and how my baby boy loves to read it and recite it and how it is our special ritual at the moment.
The routine that going back to school brings.
The offers of help from sweet friends to watch my children or help me clean as we prepare to move.
That all three of my angels slept through last night.
Tomatoes are in season = homemade salsa = yum.
That I have the rumpus room packed.

But the there is...
Having to pack the rest of the house.
Having to still have to clean the whole house.

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