Thursday, February 14, 2013

Our forever house

We are building our house. I call it our 'forever house' because I want it to be just that. When I was still at uni and my sweet husband was still doing his carpentry apprenticeship we bought a Californian Bungalow in need of a lot of love. We turned it into a beautiful family home and then we sold it. We then build a lovely house on a hill and we sold that too. Selling those houses was part of our plan but I am done with selling. He says he is too (I hope he really is).

This house has been a lot of work and a lot of time. Life is very unbalanced at the moment. We are close to the end and are looking forward to balance again. We have to gather together the last of our energy and enthusiasm and push through the long days and late nights. My sweet husband has been doing thirteen to fourteen hour days. I honestly don't know how he does it. He has a strength and determination and focus like no other. The children miss him. I miss him. I know he missed us immensely. He takes his role of providing for our family very seriously.We keep telling ourselves it will be worth it. We know it is worth it. We are building our forever house.

I want this house to be our children's 'childhood home'. We have thought a lot about it and how we will live in it now with young children and in the future with teenagers who will in turn become parents of young children. I want them to remember how the 'orchard' was once small but has grown like them. I want them to remember playing basketball with there dad and how slowly he went from teacher to competition. I want them to remember learning to cook with me in the kitchen and hopefully garden in the veggie patch and why these things are important to us. I want them to remember the pets that they fell in love with and how the learnt be be responsible for another. I want them to remember the fun and mischief that they got up to together as they developed a deep friendship that will last eternity. I want them to remember the magic of their childhood. I want this home to be their sanctuary. Now and forever. I want them to be able to walk through the front doors as adults and have the joy and love of their childhood come flooding back to them.

We are not building our forever house we are building our forever home.

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